Access the government’s £500 voucher scheme - Click here for more info
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£500 Mediation Voucher Scheme

Resolve disputes efficiently and cost-effectively with our government-backed mediation voucher scheme.

Family Mediation Voucher Scheme

Eligible parties receive £500 towards mediation sessions

We are registered with the government’s (MOJ) Mediation Voucher Scheme which gives eligible parties £500 towards mediation sessions.

Your mediator will discuss this with you in your MIAM.

The family mediation  voucher scheme is designed to support parents in resolving family law disputes outside of court, reducing backlogs and encouraging mediation as an effective means of dispute resolution.

Our Services

Memorandum of Understanding and Open Financial Statement


Parenting Plan


Fast Track C100 Court Form Request

Get Your C100 Form Quickly

Obtain a C100 Application Form signed by a family mediator within hours using our fast-track service.

The C100 Form is crucial for parents and grandparents seeking court orders for contact arrangements or other child-related issues.

Civil and Commercial Mediation

Our civil and commercial mediation costs are tailored to your specific dispute. Factors influencing the fee include:

  • Value and complexity of the dispute
  • Amount of preparation required
  • Number of parties involved
  • Expected duration of the mediation appointment

For a straightforward two-party mediation, our competitive rates are:

4-Hour Appointment

£700 (plus VAT) per party

Full Day Appointment

£1200 (plus VAT) per party

Eligibility and Voucher Information

How do I know if I am eligible for a mediation voucher?

When you attend your MIAM, our trained Mediators will confirm whether the issues you seek to resolve are suitable for mediation and meet the eligibility requirements for the voucher scheme.

You should be eligible if your case includes:

  • A dispute/application regarding a child
  • A dispute/application regarding family financial matters where you are also involved in a dispute/application relating to a child

The voucher scheme is open to mediation participants who attended a MIAM on or after 26 March 2021. The £500 voucher cannot be used to pay for the MIAM itself, but for the mediation that follows.

Once you have confirmed you will proceed with mediation and your mediator has confirmed eligibility, they will apply for the voucher funding and it will be paid directly to us when all mediation sessions are concluded.

There is no physical voucher and you will not need to make an application for it.

Vouchers are limited in number and will be offered to eligible parties until they are no longer available. Your mediator will let you know if there are vouchers available.

Book your MIAM

The first step to resolution is attending a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM).